DIY Fall Centerpiece

We went a little hog wild in the Hobby Lobby recently, which of course had to be followed up by an epic nap with a budda belly hanging out. Turtle for the win yet again! Many of us would want to take a nap on a lazy afternoon but often it never happens.

I was determined to make this centerpiece for my dining room table this year.  Every year I tell myself this is the year, I'm going to make time for this project so that when we gather for dinners someone can laugh about my newest edition to the never ending collection of holiday crafts.

Garrett graciously went along for the ride and we ended up spending hours getting lost in Hobby Lobby like usual. There are always so many great idea am I right?

The Aspen candle holder center was scavenged from the Christmas decor section. We cant candle holders in the fall to! Am I right or is everyone else with me?

The burlap ribbon and wider piece below came from Walmart. I found them in the clearance section for $1 what a bargain! All in this project cost $25.00 so not a DIY that is going to break the bank or require you to invest in a bunch of stuff you will never use again.

Then, because uniformity is the only way to soothe my OCD we got two of everything else. Featured here are sunflowers, cotton and white berry bunches, willow branch pumpkins,  and pumpkin with berries.

I had a few kind of bare spots. Nothing terrible just enough that if you look closely at it you could see the random branches here and there. To solve that problem we have some indian corn from our trip to the Pumpkin patch! Presto pow just sneak those in underneath the foliage and bam no more bald spots!

Just in time for the weather to turn and the snow to begin we have this fabulous centerpiece! The beauty in these is that you can find what you want almost anywhere you want and with a simple outline and some pictures create.

So go, go and create your own wonderful and amazing show stopper centerpiece for your table! If you do send me pictures I love to see others ideas!


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