Beautiful You

The other day I finally had the chance to sit down and start experimenting with the Beautiful You Stamp Set trying to decide how I want to use these amazing Blender Pens for my Mother's Day Cards. 

Is it to early to be thinking about Mother's Day? It probably is right? I just love this Stamp Set and while the house has been quiet I wanted to work on a few things before the hub-bub picks back up around here at the end of the month. 

Now that we are 11 days into the New Year my resolution is still going strong. We all laugh about those never going to happen resolutions that people make on a whim, but I'm hoping that mine is not so far fetched that it is unattainable. 

My New Year's Resolution: "To balance work, school and pursuing my dream of being crafty full-time." I know probably a little crazy, but we need to set the standards high. This definitely isn't a right now within the next year goal, more like one the I'm starting on and hope to achieve a little more each year.  

This is probably why these stamps have been calling to me so much as of late. As I color these stamps I feel that I can be as strong as the imagines and that as a women I need to balance the pressures of everyday life with grace and poise, only loosing it once a month haha. 

So for the next year, I hope to post more regularly, start adding videos, make a facebook page, increase my followers on Instagram, add one person to my team, and make 10% more sales than last year. Here's to the New Year!!!! 

Interested in joining my team?! Contact me and for just $99 we will get you rolling! Want to order something? Perfect you can either enter my name directly on the site, click on the Stampin Up Website or click HERE I'm more than excited to help you start creating! 

Don't forget promotions happening now through the end of January using Host Code JEKZECW while shopping with me for your chance to win our Giveaway! 
